Pencak Silat is a collective term for the Indonesian fighting arts and is translated to: Pencak= controlled and supple body movement, and Silat= lightning fast and hard defense.

Pencak Silat was developed as a self-defense against the wild animals that formed a local threat to the people. Per region there are vastly different techniques and movements as a result, because they started imitating the threatening animals in their surroundings.

There have been many (over 150) different styles developed, but with almost all of these there is a distinct balance between the physical and mental development.


In the Netherlands there are several different schools that teach Pencak Silat, but almost all of these are focused on the traditional and authentic style of Silat. The teachers try to pass the style as pure and authentic as possible and thus avoid influences from other martial arts. These schools are often tied and connected to a mother-school in Indonesia. 

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