MMA or Mixed Martial Arts is a multi-disciplinarian martial arts that has been formed by combining techniques from different martial arts, like: wrestling/grappling, Judo, Karate, Kung Fu, Kickboxing/Thaiboxing and Jiu Jitsu/Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
The origin of MMA can be traced back to the Ancient Greek and Roman era. During this time in the Olympic Games, there was a category in which wrestling was being combined with a standing fight.
MMA as we know it today, started with an open UFC tournament to decide on the best fighter. During the first fight there was immediately a Dutch man in the cage. Gerard Gordeau entered the cage with a Karate background and won the fight against the Hawaian Sumo-wrestler Teila Tuli.
The first tournaments were more spectacle than sportsmanship and the popularity with the bigger audience decreased.
Currently MMA is actively practiced, but there are not a lot of competitions.
If one were to fight in a tournament, you’d wear a fightshort, a groin guard, MMA gloves and a mouth guard.